You've Earned It

Let's Keep It And Put It To Work

Working With Erica @FinancialHaus

What it's like working with Kev

The Financial Fitness Bootcamp

What Kev loves about Financial Haus

Helping You stay Motivated and Accountable

Why people hire a financial advisor

Are the bare minimums enough for you?

Working with a team of financial experts

I care about your finances

Making Finances fun

    I'm Like A Personal Trainer For Your Money.

    (but no burpies. I promise.)

    Is it time that you started taking your finances seriously? My name is Erica and I am a Certified Financial Planner here at Financial Haus. I meet people all the time who are frustrated that they can’t get ahead financially. Look, we weren’t taught this “financial stuff” in school. And it can get pretty confusing.

    As a registered financial planner, it’s my job to help get you un-stuck and moving towards your financial goals. But more than that, I’m also a financial Coach, here to teach you what you need to know and get you prepared to play at the next level.

    Financial Haus isn’t your typical financial services institution. Don’t expect me to show up all buttoned-up in a tie. But you can expect me to show up passionate to help you grow financially and armed with years of experience, and an army of financial professionals ready to build a plan and support you.

    Look, you don’t need $1M dollars to get started working with a financial planner. But I do want to help you get there.


    For Go-Getters

    Starting At
    one year contract totalling $2,400

    For Ballers

    Starting At
    one year contract totalling $3,600

    For Modern Moguls

    Starting At
    one year contract totalling $4,800

    Erica's Coaching Options

    For Modern Moguls

    Starting At
    one year contract totalling $4,800
    For the complex and integrate financial situations, this plan brings the highest level of involvement and oversight to keep your empire strong.
    • Everything from the previous levels plus:
    • Customized Accumulation Strategies
    • Coordination with CPA & Attorney
    • Cash Flow Strategies
    • Retirement Planning
    • Legacy Planning
    • Special Project Planning
    • Quarterly Progress Reports

    For Ballers

    Starting At
    one year contract totalling $3,600
    For small business owners or people with multiple revenue streams, this plan covers anyone whose left the 9 to 5 life.
    • Everything from the previous level plus:
    • Customized Accumulation Strategies
    • Coordination with CPA & Attorney
    • Cash Flow Strategies
    • Retirement Planning
    • Legacy Planning
    • Special Project Planning
    • Quarterly Progress Reports

    For Go-Getters

    Starting At
    one year contract totalling $2,400
    For couples, or those with a few moving parts like investments or big life goals, this plan will take care of your needs and grow with you.
    • Debt Management
    • Insurance Review & Recommendations
    • Customized Savings Plan Annual Action Plan
    • Investment and Portfolio Reviews
    • Retirement Income Planning and Strategy Design
    • Major Life Event Planning
    • Income Protection Planning
    • Semi-Annual Action Plan